Speaking Engagements

Kailyn’s cadence lights up the room; guiding our future scholars and directing their paths to success. Are you looking for someone to connect with your youth at their level; to give a ‘real talk’ on the college journey from high school to independence and/or poor decisions to disaster? Her engaging conversation will show them possibilities that they likely haven’t considered and together we will witness the light bulbs illuminate the room.

Both her college and scholarship journeys had peaks and valleys from academics to finances. She was pushed into corners, but she pushed back. She ran into roadblocks, so she diverted her route. That route had sink holes, but she climbed her way out. While her dark valleys had stretches of doubt, uncertainty and insecurity, she didn’t let them overshadow her perseverance and commitment to succeed. Through it all, she stands proud to say,

“Still I Rise”

Maya Angelou

As a college graduate with a B.S. in Management Information Systems, a Certified Financial Literacy Coach and Co-Founder of Scholars Path, Kailyn is expanding her outreach platform and partnering with elite organizations. She is always ready to lead our college-bound youth to the next level; to brighten their paths and heighten their confidence. She shares her testimony with our future leaders to motivate, inspire and inform:

  1. Motivate them with knowing that their innovation and intellect are valuable
  2. Inspire them with realizing there will be obstacles. BE READY! After all if it were easy, everyone would have a degree and it would not be worth having
  3. Inform them of the common academic and financial pitfalls that can derail their future

Get them on Kailyn’s calendar so together they can light up the room!

Please be sure to see page 2 for our policy.

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